Node.js - Soluzioni futura

Soluzioni Futura is a consulting and development company with offices in Reggio Emilia and Milan, specializing in web, IoT, and blockchain technologies.

We participated in a week-long daily meeting during which we were taught how to use Node.js. This JavaScript framework is considered one of the most revolutionary of the last decade because it leverages Google's V8 JavaScript engine. This allows developers not only to create web applications using client-side JavaScript but also to use it as a server-side programming language.

The ultimate goal of the course was to program a bot of our choice on the Telegram platform using the knowledge acquired during the course.

InfoGiovani meeting

On October 19, 2022, we had a one-hour meeting with InfoGiovani, a welcoming center that combines educational offerings with educational activities. It is a service that provides information on various areas, including:

  • Orientation: support in choosing university, educational, and career paths;
  • Training and employment: providing useful information for orientation and future decision-making;
  • Participation: opportunities to participate in activities promoted in the area;
  • Leisure time: guidance and information on opportunities available in the city;
  • Cultural events: assistance in the administrative and bureaucratic aspects of event organization.

ITS meeting

On January 26, 2023, we attended an explanatory meeting about the ITS system, which represents a type of Italian school specializing in advanced technology, founded in 2010.

It is a non-university post-secondary training institution open to those who hold a high school diploma. The ITS system provides tertiary-level training with a focus on professionalization, preparing individuals for specialized roles as "higher-level technicians" in specific technological fields.

Visit at 'Santa Maria Nuova' hospital

On March 4, 2023, we visited the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital in Reggio Emilia and the departments of radiation therapy and nuclear medicine.

Radiation therapy is a medical branch that uses ionizing radiation to treat neoplasms or malignant tumors.

Nuclear medicine, on the other hand, uses minimal amounts of radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. These radioactive materials allow for the painless, non-invasive, and safe analysis of both the structure and functionality of organs and tissues. In the presence of anomalies in the structure or functioning of organs or tissues, the concentration of the radiopharmaceutical may be higher or lower than in healthy tissues or organs, allowing for the identification of the cause of the pathology.


On March 23, 2023, we attended a presentation given by representatives of the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education of Emilia Romagna (Er.Go).

This agency offers numerous services to students and recent graduates of universities and institutions of higher artistic and musical education in Emilia-Romagna. It was established following the merger of the four agencies for the right to university education in Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Parma.

Among the services it offers are economic support interventions assigned through competitions, including scholarships, housing services, various contributions (for example, for international mobility programs), information services, support for disabled students, job orientation services, and catering services.


This project aims to develop a dynamic website for the Reggio Emilia section of the Italian Volleyball Federation (FIPAV). The website features an integrated content management system that allows for the uploading of information and articles associated with the organization. The website is designed to be user-friendly, with a modern and engaging design to attract a diverse audience. It is developed using the latest web technologies, ensuring fast loading times and compatibility with all devices, including smartphones and tablets. By creating an appealing online platform, we can provide FIPAV users with an efficient and effective tool to stay updated on the latest news and events in the world of volleyball.

During the project planning, we chose to use WordPress. The decision to use WordPress stemmed from the need to develop a system similar to the previous one, allowing for website maintenance by individuals not familiar with programming.

Link to view the presentation